Archive | May 2016


In colaborare dintre ADVIT “Europa fara frontiere” (Moldova) si CODEC Europe (Belgia), in perioada 15 – 22 mai 2016 in Chisinau a avut loc schimbul de experienta intre tineri cu genericul “Youth for Heritage” la care au participat 30 de tineri din Slovacia, Portugalia, Grecia, Belgia, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia si Ucraina.

Scopul principal a fost de a sensibiliza comunitatea europeana si locala in ce priveste  patrimoniul orasului Chisinau si de a demonstra diferite actiuni sociale creative care ar putea fi organizate de catre tineri pentru a proteja patrimoniul.

Activitatile petrecute in timpul acestei saptamaini au incurajat participantii sa demonstreze creativitatea lor in vederea realizarii scopurilor comune si acestea vor contribui la dezvoltarea personala a competentelor.

Instrumente si metode:

Pe toata durata evenimentului au fost utilizati principalii piloni ai studiului non-formal si intercultural, precum si studiul experimental intre diferite activitati de grup si individuale.  Ideea principala a proiectului a fost de a accentua rolul tinerilor  in dezvoltarea durabila a comunitatilor lor urbane si de a arata ideea contributiei tinerilor la aceasta prin actiuni creative. Aceasta ar incuraja activitatea tinerilor si ar stimula interesul lor in dezvoltarea urbana. Principalele abordari au fost studiul experiential, studiul intercultural, participarea activa, creativitatea si dinamica in grupuri.


  • Sarcini care contin studiu experiential;2
  • City quest si flashmob urban (exercitii practice si lucru in echipa);
  • Lucru in grupuri internationale si dezvoltarea proiectelor;
  • Abordari teoretice si prezentari plenare;
  • Planificarea si implimentarea actiunilor;
  • Evaluari de grup si individuale;
  • Studiu intercultural prin mediul zilnic international.

Participantii au explorat orasul ghidati de tinerii lideri locali si de sine statator. Participantii au avut intilniri cu reprezentanti ai ONG-lor locale, cu grupuri de initiativa si cu grupuri ai tinerilor artisti. Ca rezultat al intregii saptamiini participantii au realizat un ghid al centrului orasului in limba engleza, greaca, slovena si portugeza.

Proiectul a fost finantat din cadrul programul Erasmus+ KA1, prin intermediul Agentiei Nationale din Belgia (JINT vzw – Flemish NA).

Introducing Great Opportunities for European and Moldovan Youth ADVIT’s Youth Club 2.0: Erasmus+

On Saturday, 21st of May, we met again in ADVIT’s office with a group of motivated and interested young people to hold our second youth club.

While the sun was shining outside and promising a great day,  Moldovan participants and one volunteer from Germany were enjoying an informative presentation about the structure and formalities of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ program. While terms like “EVS” / “European Voluntary Service” were already familiar to some of the participants, the sheer diversity of the Erasmus+ program came as a surprise to most. Besides EVS, Erasmus+ offers funding opportunities for youth exchanges, training courses, Joint Master degrees, Master loans, academic seminars and conferences under the roof of “Jean Monnet” and, last but not least, the possibility for the classic Erasmus Mundus university student exchange.


Alexandru from ADVIT, who dedicated a lot of time prior to this presentation to dig through the more than 400 pages of the Erasmus+ guide, informed the participants not only about the existence of these programs but also advised which ones they would be eligible for and gave tips on how to participate.
While it’s possible to apply for training courses and EVS programs also without direct involvement of ADVIT, the organization can help a lot by spotting possibilities and securing possible places within their large partner network of organizations all over Europe.


Anybody who is interested to learn more or would like to participate in a youth mobility program covered by an Erasmus+ grant is welcome to contact ADVIT for more information.


The date of our next youth club will be announced on our Facebook page soon.

The ADVIT youth club uses methods of non-formal education. This means that the events don’t have a teaching character because we don’t give lectures, but use discussions and other interactive, fun ways to explore a topic together. The youth club lives from the active participation of the participants and everyone, regardless of their English skills or experience with the specific topic, is welcome!


Youth Club: Mentoring – The beginning of a success story!

On Thursday, 5th of May we had our first youth club meeting which was led by one of our volunteers from Germany. The topic was “Mentoring” and the target group young people who signed with ADVIT to be a mentor for the international volunteers ADVIT hosts (usually with EVS). With tea and cake, we welcomed to our office 3 representatives of ADVIT and 5 participants with different mentoring experiences, ranging from well practiced to the first real contact with the topic.


To kick of the meeting, we cleared out the basics of mentoring: What is actually EVS, who are the volunteers, and what is the formal role as a mentor. With this in mind, we collected different tips and shared experiences on how to best fulfill this role in practice.

A special point of discussion was the responsibility of the mentor to “support the learning and reflection process” of the volunteer. We broke this seemingly complicated expression down to “encouraging the volunteer to see and understand cultural differences and  special characteristics of the Moldovan culture. Since the volunteers live together in shared apartments, the mentor is the first and in the beginning also the only one who personifies the contact with the local culture. Also, a big focus of our discussion lied on “supporting, showing around, guiding, being a friend” in all of its aspects.


The ADVIT youth club uses methods of non-formal education and consists not of lectures or a teaching character but uses discussion and lives by the active participation of the participants.


We will hold our next youthclub in Saturday, May 21 at 11:30 AM in ADVIT office – the topic will be “Erasmus+”. Anybody is welcome to join!