Archive | March 2016

How EVS can change your life

EVS Project “Choose your way, choose your future” in ZAVOD MANIPURA, SLOVENIA

Before going to Slovenia, we had no idea what to expect, so we did a little research. We came across an article were it said that Slovenia was the hidden paradise, and having had lived there for 2 months, now I can affirm that with certainty.
During this period of time we had the opportunity to work side by side with amazing team. We learned how it’s best to approach children of all ages, and how to have a more efficient communication with them, especially since they didn’t speak any English, and we, of course, did not speak Slovenian. We also worked with people with disabilities, which has been an open-minding experience. Before going to Slovenia, we had certain reservations and stereotypes about people with special needs, but seeing the conditions they live in, how they are treated and how they treat the others, how kind and warm they can be was a great surprise.
Besides the work with children and people with disabilities, we also had practical work once a week, which consisted of doing some practical chores (adjusting the wood in the attic, washing old paint from walls, etc.) but also individual projects. It really allowed to discover our creative side and make it blossom. During this time, we managed to finish 3 bird houses, and a puppet theatre.
Furthermore, thanks to this project we had the opportunity to travel a lot, not only in Slovenia, but also in Austria and Italy. We had the chance to discover Slovenia and fall in love with it and the kind people that live there. We are very thankful for this great experience!
Note: Regarding the photo with dolls, they are made by people with disabilities.
All the best,
Ana and Anton